Coach Trip- Shoreham Airport and Worthing
(Image cc. Anthony Shepherd)
Shoreham Airport (now called Brighton City Airport) is the oldest licenced aerodrome in the UK with the first recorded flight taking place in 1910.
The main terminal was built in 1936 and still boasts many of the original and restored Art Deco features, from ceiling decorations to the light switches. From the terminal, you can look out onto the busy airfield and beyond to the imposing Gothic chapel of Lancing College, nestled in rolling hills of the South Downs National Park.
We will have a tour and find out more about the fascinating history of the airport.
There will be time to get lunch from the airport café (not included) before spending the afternoon in Worthing.
The coach will pick up from either Leatherhead Leisure Centre (9am) or Leret Way (9.15am). Cars can be parked at the Leisure Centre free of charge for the day.
Cost: £35 per person
Download the booking form here or pick one up from the Institute Entrance Hall.
Booking Closes Friday 7 June