Start filling your 2023 diary with LCA activities! The newsletter for the first part of 2023 is now available to download or picked up from the Institute. In it you will find all the concerts, trips, talks and groups...
Come along on Thursday 8 December and enjoy a fun afternoon and make a wreath to hang on your front door. You will be provided with a 12” oasis wreath ring, various adornments, guidance on making the wreath together...
Would you be interested in meeting up with a few other people to do a jigsaw? A 500 piece jigsaw takes about 2 hours when there are few people working on it. If this is of interest to you...
Join us on Friday 30 September for our Macmillan Coffee morning. Come and join us as we take part in the World’s Biggest Coffee morning in aid of Macmillan Cancer Charity. Last year we raised over £180. It would...
It is with great sadness that the Leatherhead Community Association is marking the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. She has been a remarkable Monarch whose dedication and duty to her country and the Commonwealth has been second...
Once again, the LCA will be opening the Institute’s doors as part of the Heritage Open Days Festival. We have two talks taking place- Romany Life on Friday 9th September and Ada Lovelace; The Countess who Invented Computer Programming...
We are thinking about running a trip with independent travel (car share could be arranged) to Silent Pool Gin in Albury in September or October. The visit would last around 90 minutes and include a talk, a tour of...
Check your inboxes as the latest edition of the newsletter is now out! It has all the activities, trip and talks taking place over the next four months. If you prefer to have a paper copy, they can be picked...
We are currently taking bookings for a number of LCA trips throughout Winter and early Spring. Up first (7 February), we have a trip to the Houses of Parliament to see the inner workings of this fascinating building. February...